This lab has been designed to give us hands on experience on using wireless sensor network motes. Motes are deployed and data from it can be gathered using appropriate tools like TinyOS, Contiki etc. Many applications like multihop communication, target tracking application etc can be demonstrated using these motes.
Equipment : Motes :
--> Telos B - It has Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontroller, 250 kbit/s 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Chipcon Wireless Transceiver, 10 KB RAM, 48 KB flash and it runs on Contiki, TinyOS, SOS and MantisOS Support.
--> Micaz - It has ATMEGA 128 microcontroller, TI CC2420 802.15.4/ZigBee compliant radio, 4 KB RAM, 128 KB flash. It can be programmed in nesC and it runs on TinyOS, SOS, MantisOS and Nano-RK Support.
Spectrum Analyzer : Agilent
Vector Network Analyzer - Agilent : 300KHz-20GHz
Bluetooth Kit